Associate Professor Murali Mahadevan
Department of Surgery and Paediatrics, The University of Auckland, NZ
Associate Professor Mahadevan is a graduate of University of Auckland, School of Medicine (MBChB). Subsequent post graduate training was undertaken in New Zealand and Australia as an ENT surgeon. He attained the Fellowship of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1995 (FRACS).He holds two Paediatric ENT fellowships, first at Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne 1996 and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children in London 1997.
He returned following his fellowship training to work as Consultant ENT specialist at Starship Children’s hospital in 1998. He currently works half time in both the public and private sector. He was previously the Clinical and Fellowship director at Starship Children’s Hospital (2004-2017). He currently holds an Associate Professor appointment in both Department of Surgery and the Department of Paediatrics, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Auckland. Associate Prof Murali Mahadevan has published over 70 peer-reviewed publications and several book chapters. He is well recognised internationally as one of the leading Paediatric ENT surgeons in Australasia and presents regularly at international forums.